47D7FBBC7D171C89B87B26D5C5DEEFC6 How To Join Facebook Ad Breaks for make money from your fans page - Masnanta

How To Join Facebook Ad Breaks for make money from your fans page

How to register Facebook AdsBreak and Complete Terms

Making money by listing Facebook AdsBreak is now available in Indonesia. Pretty tempting indeed, by uploading videos on Facebook you can make money. Through the advertisement break in the video you uploaded, you will get a prize money. The way it works might be almost the same as AdsBreak on Youtube. Now you can get these features via Facebook. What are the terms and conditions for the list? Let's look at the discussion below.

Facebook AdsBreak Join Terms

Before knowing how to register Facebook AdsBreak, of course, you have to know the requirements to get AdsBreak. Not all Facebook accounts can use this AdsBreak service, only videos on fan page accounts can be inserted into advertisement breaks. AdsBreak cannot be used for a personal Facebook account. So you must first create a fan page if you really want to get break.

After having a fan page account, another requirement that must be met is to have 10 thousand followers or likers (important). Not only that but the videos you upload must also meet the requirements of Facebook. To get money, at least in the last 60 days you have to produce 30,000 one-minute impressions on a 3-minute video. The final requirement is country availability and language. Luckily, Indonesia and Indonesian have been supported by Facebook AdsBreak.

How to Submit Facebook AdsBreak

If the requirements listed above have been fulfilled, you can immediately apply for AdsBreak on your Facebook account. It's easy enough for the Facebook Adsbreak list, you can follow the following steps:

  1. The first step is to go to the Facebook fan page that you have managed and meet the requirements. Then look for the "settings" icon and click on the icon.
  2. Next, you will go to the settings page, look for the "Monetization" tab and observe the three submenus below.
  3. There are three submenus that you will encounter, namely "Ad Break", "Payout Settings", and "Eligibility".
  4. Before setting the advertisement break in your video, you must first click on the "Eligibility" submenu. This submenu serves to check your fan page is feasible or not to be monetized.
  5. Once it's feasible, you can immediately set the ad break you want on your video by clicking the "Ads Break" submenu. You can set the placement of ad pauses on the video according to your wishes.
  6. While the "Payout Setting" submenu can be used for the process of withdrawing or withdrawing your money.

Earn Money from Facebook AdsBreak

Quite easy indeed how to register Facebook AdsBreak. You can get money from the number of viewers of the video you uploaded. Of course, not 100% of the money from video ads on your Facebook fan page is acceptable. There is a profit sharing from video ads with Facebook. Facebook will automatically cut the money you will get. The details of the distribution are 55% of the video and results for you and 45% for Facebook.

Thus some brief explanations about how to get money from pausing Facebook ads. The development of technology now, of course, you must use to be able to add to your financial coffers. One of them is by using Facebook's AdsBreak feature. Hopefully, this discussion about Facebook AdsBreak can be useful for you. It is also expected that you can immediately practice how to register this Facebook AdsBreak and get as much money as possible through the video you uploaded.