47D7FBBC7D171C89B87B26D5C5DEEFC6 The Best Ways to get a lot of Youtube View and Free for get much money - Masnanta

The Best Ways to get a lot of Youtube View and Free for get much money

4 Ways to get a lot of Youtube View and Free

The internet world is not only used as a place to look for information but from where some people start using it as their business or business fields. How to? Ever heard of the term youtube before? Yup, not many people know, that this one site is so crowded with video creators who compete to get lots of views and subscribers. What do you think the goal is? Apart from fame and popularity, youtube also able to give you the coffers of rupiah even dollars.

Judging from the traffic, video content has a standard that is superior to the content written article in the world of blogger, of course in terms of content marketing. Like YouTube, the other best platforms in terms of video hosting our Facebook and Twitter. However, still, this is the YouTube application that occupies the top position for the world of video-blogging and free internet marketing. However, to be able to achieve success and success in the world of youtube, of course, you must succeed first in attracting loyal visitors or viewers, which in turn will increase the number of your subscribers to more.

No wonder most people will try one way or another, even many ways to increase the number of visitors in their content quickly and easily. In general, one of the most effective and widely recommended ways is to make organic vlog work, unique and interesting so this is what can improve the quality of content in the eyes of viewers. However, it is not as easy as one might imagine making a video work that needs some basic things that people often cannot.
You have to be patient in everything like editing videos, adding connotations, choosing backgrounds or music, converting formats, then adding more to SEO in choosing video titles, descriptions and tags. However, that is not yet how the process of competing with your content with millions of other works on YouTube. Here, there must be someone who feels discouraged when your YouTube account or channel doesn't get the same audience or subscriber you expected.

ctually, it's not just patience and perseverance in terms of maintaining your youtube channel, there are other tips that can be guaranteed to help you get your video customers for free easily. Indeed, in this world nothing is free, but with this practical trick, you can get visitors just for free. The YouTubers are obliged to look and see "What are the factors that can make your YouTube channel account have a lot of views?" For more information, you can see the description of the method in the following discussion. Immediately, let's see together.

The Method How to get many Youtube views and it's free

1. Conduct Keyword Research Title

Just like Google, the Youtube application presents a lot of search results in its videos depending on the keywords you are looking for. Why? Because this can make the keywords that we have entered in youtube videos an important factor determining whether your video will be in the best position on YouTube and Google searches or even vice versa.

The best way to research keywords or video descriptions is to use auto-suggest from the youtube website itself. Another tip is that you can also use tools or features in KeywordTool.io/youtube or use the paid version based on the number of search volumes each month precisely and quickly.

2. Optimize Your Video Works for Search

After you follow the advice above that is looking for keywords and making a list or draft content that you think is profitable. Then the next process is you also need to try or to the maximum extent possible in optimizing your video. This is so that your video is easily found when searching for YouTube.

To be able to maximize your video or content you need to do these little things like making a video title and description, making a video file name and filling in the tags. Don't underestimate the small details on each of your posts because in reality, the trivial matter is the key to improving the quality of the content you upload.

3. Make Thumbnails consistently

Furthermore, if you have followed the method in the first and second points, another thing to note is don't let youtube set thumbnails by default. It is better to try to make your masterpiece and choose it yourself, it can be with photos that have high resolution and also interesting. If you follow this suggestion, you can help in increasing the ratio of hand clicking on your video.

Just as you make an article on a blog, uploading interesting, entertaining and informative content greatly influences your audience. In this case, you have to try to make your video not to end up losing the "middle" in the middle of the video duration. This can allow the viewer to move to another video.

If your script is well structured, it can be guaranteed that the audience of your channel account will not be extinct but will continue to grow, even better when your viewer has turned into a subscriber or your customer. As time goes on consistently, in this case, it will create content - your video content will be more valuable in the eyes of the audience.

The description above is good information for you YouTubers who are now aggressively increasing the audience on your YouTube content, including the subscriber, which is expected to continue to increase as many visitors to your interesting videos. Although competition is getting tougher among other video creators, don't be afraid to lose to compete.

If you follow the practical steps to be able to get people who become customers of your YouTube account like the way above, surely with patience and perseverance your work will reap success later. Besides the tips above, you also need to know some things to increase your YouTube account traffic, for example, how to increase the ranking and ranking of YouTube videos? how to research keywords for specific youtube video titles? how do you find cool ideas to put into video? and the other is how can your video be liked by many people?

Question this question if you already know the answer, surely you can become a famous YouTubers like Ria Ricis, Atta Halilintar, Gen Halilintar, Raditya dikha, Mak beauty played by Arif Muhammad and many more successful youtubers. Make sure you become the next person. So much of the information that can be provided can hopefully be helpful and useful.